Well and truly back into the swing of things in the new year, I think what I’ve found most satisfying this week is to sit down and pump out a decent blog post on something technical. It’s an itch I just haven’t had enough time to scratch properly in recent times and I really hope Pwned or Bot makes up for that. I love that it’s generating discussion (both for and against) and that it’s causing people to stop and think about how we establish the legitimacy of identities in an increasingly bot-centric world. I hope you enjoy this week’s update and all the conversation surrounding it.
- Pollies, porn and pyrotechnics (and now I know why Canberra is know for porn)
- The Twitter API situation is a complete flustercuck (I’d be less upset if they made the native app way better)
- What is 1Password had a data breach? (read about how they protect your keychain such that even after a data breach, the master password alone would be useless)
- Since recording this morning, I’ve poured hours into what presently has a working titled of “Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 5 Rabbits Deep đ° đ° đ° đ° đ°” (I just kept going until I got stuck and pumped out the linked tweet)
- Pwned or Bot is drumming up plenty of good feedback and in true Twitter form, plenty of controversy (no, you shouldn’t be penalised for not being breached, go back and read the whole thing again)
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