2 WAY SSL Certificate: Brief Overview of How it Works?

A secure socket layer (SSL) certificate, Currently Transport Security Layer (TLS) certificate, is a small cryptographic technology applied in encrypting data and communications between web servers and web browsers. But I am sure you already know what an SSL Certificate is. When people talk of TLS certificates, they often refer to server certificates. As the name implies, server certificates are essential in authenticating servers to clients. Typically, this is the standard way of authentication. But have you ever wondered how it would be when you wanted to authenticate the client to the browser? This is where 2 Way SSL (or two-way SSL if you like) comes into sight. Wondering what that is and how it works? Wonder no more! In our endless quest to simplify all complex tech-related topics, we will break down everything for you by telling you what a two-way SSL certificate is and how it works. To better understand a two-way TLS certificate, it would be best to start by looking at the working of SSL authentication. A Brief Overview of How TLS Certificate Authentication Works First, the owner of a website purchases an SSL certificate for their website domain/s. The website owner then sends an unsigned certificate together with the associated public keys to the certificate authority. The certificate authority is mandated to ascertain the validity of the person requesting the certificate and confirm domain ownership. The technical process for this is the Validation process. Suppose the certificate authority validates domain ownership and the requestor’s authenticity …