Engage, Empower, and Enjoy SOC Prime’s Community on Discord

Balance Your Cybersecurity Journey with a Single Community for Collective Cyber Defense

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, finding a welcoming and vibrant peer-driven community has never been more critical. Discord servers have emerged as digital hubs where tech enthusiasts, professionals, and learners unite. These dynamic virtual spaces transcend geographical boundaries, making it possible for individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together under a common digital roof. Whether you’re a cybersecurity expert, a programming prodigy, or simply someone with a passion for all things in tech, Discord servers offer an unparalleled opportunity to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and forge lasting connections with like-minded individuals. 

At the start of 2023, we launched our Discord server as a means to consolidate in one place diverse groups of SOC Prime users, which could be of help to our community. However, the server is quickly growing to connect cybersecurity specialists from across the world, no matter your cybersecurity maturity or tools in use. Let’s dive into the top 5 reasons why SOC Prime’s Community server is where the Collective Cyber Defense magic happens.

Join Discord Community

In the community, we are our roles:

When it comes to joining any community, it is an act of reaching out to others and seeing who brings what to the table. When making a public server on Discord, it is essential to let people express themselves in who they are, and it’s best done by having people introduce themselves or, if they are unsure how, choose different roles for themselves. At our server, when you join, you have the ability to choose between different roles depending on your professional interests. As SOC Prime integrates with 28 SIEMs, XDRs, EDRs, and Data Lake solutions, you can claim roles based on the ones that are important to you. It has several practical purposes. Firstly, if our platform updates, we can tag people who directly work with certain technology, and they know that updates are related to them. Secondly, community helps when someone has an issue or problem while working with that technology — we can tag specifically those who have something to contribute. Lastly, your name on the server just looks cooler if you have a little icon that represents your expertise and allows you to stand out among others.

Discord Community: Role-Based Communication

In the community, we share our knowledge:

Free information exchange is one of the main pillars of our community. That means being supportive and encouraging members to ask questions and help them find answers fosters a sense of community. That said, cybersecurity professionals are, in general, a curious and self-reliant crowd. To satisfy this hunger for knowledge and discovery, we have automated a mirror of all of the reference resources that get posted to our platform. When a Sigma rule gets published to Threat Detection Marketplace, and it has a new link added in the reference field, a new topic with this link is created in the “Emerging Threats” channel on our server. In such a way, the Collective Cyber Defense principle becomes a real-world experience, as our community is always aware of the new threats on the horizon and can access detections for them. 

Discord community: knowledge sharing

In the community, we learn together:

Discord is instrumental as a hub to discuss the Sigma language, how it’s implemented and used on SOC Prime Platform, helping the community members smoothly get started with the language to write detection codes and master Sigma skills.

This is why Discord has also become a place where we could work together with Threat Bounty Program members, enabling detection engineers to monetize their professional skills through publishing  Sigma rules on Threat Detection Marketplace. After several years of running the Threat Bounty Program, we understood that people who submit their rules to be published experience common obstacles and tend to have the same questions. Just like in any other educational setting, sometimes it takes a brave one to ask about their mistakes, and everyone else in the class learns from them, so we try to be candid and objective in providing feedback on improving the submitted rules.

Discord community: Boosting hard skills together

In the community, we are easy to reach: 

Discord has been a fantastic tool for us to connect our team and our users. As we develop SOC Prime’s products, we want to be open to feedback and impressions and respond immediately. This is why we set up channels for sharing feedback where the developer team frequently responds to feature requests. We have also automated and streamlined the bug reporting process, where any bug is reported through the bot directly to our team’s Jira, and we are able to get back to the reporter with status updates, making sure no issue gets lost even if you are a new community user of the platform.

Discord community: Connecting the team and users in a single place

In the community, we unwind:

Talent shortage impacts the cybersecurity industry mainly by increasing mental pressure and workload on existing team members. It seems easy to feel alone against ever-increasing offensive forces, burned out while having to handle loads of manual tasks daily. That’s why having people to talk with about your challenges, get advice, or have casual conversations about shared interests can be as important as reading a new cybersecurity report. So we certainly try to make sure we have spaces where you can unwind from all serious talks, check some memes, talk about your hobby, get real about your burnout, and ask advice from others who might have been walking in your shoes.

Discord: Having more fun  with peers

In conclusion, our Discord server at SOC Prime’s Community stands as a testament to the power of technology in fostering connections, sharing knowledge, and supporting one another in the ever-changing world of cybersecurity and tech. As we navigate this digital landscape, remember that it’s not just about the tools; it’s about the people who use them. Our community thrives because of the incredible individuals who choose to be part of it. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or someone taking their first steps in the tech world, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we’ll continue to learn, grow, and have more fun, making the cybersecurity community a better place for everyone.

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