CyberHoot Newsletter – September/October 2023

The SEC has Strengthened Cybersecurity Reporting Requirements – What you Need to Know

Over the last two years, the SEC has enhanced cybersecurity disclosure rules for publicly traded companies. Learn these changes and related insights on new reporting and disclosure rules. Read now.

The Nuts and Bolts of a WISP

A Written Information Security Plan (WISP) should not be a bureaucratic policy collecting dust on the shelf but rather a living breathing document. WISPs guide companies on the safe collection, storage, protection, and destruction of all data types in the entity. Read now.

CISCO Critical Advisory Alert – Patch Now

CISCO has addressed a critical bug in their product that could enable remote creation of accounts by Internet hackers through the HTTP management application. Patches are available, and workarounds are documented for unsupported systems; it’s crucial to take immediate action and apply the patches. Read now.

Top Cybersecurity Questions of the Year: What Everyone Wants to Know

As Cybersecurity Awareness Month begins, we’ve compiled and answered the most frequently asked questions, offering mitigating controls for those risks. This article outlines a valuable starting point for business owners seeking cyber guidance. Read now.

Ghosts in the Machine: Spook-tacular Cybersecurity Basics for October

CyberHoot outlines three key cyber issues: password protection, phishing awareness, and safe browsing. Strengthen your digital defenses with robust passwords, phishing vigilance, and practice safe browsing. Read now.

Cybersecurity Awareness: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Action

October us Cybersecurity Awareness Month. It’s a crucial time for businesses to enhance their cybersecurity knowledge and practices. It’s time to act by providing essential cyber literacy training to your staff, equipping them to navigate 21st-century threats. Read now.

Cyber Literacy ROI: Investing in Employee Training Makes Strong Financial Sense

Investing in employee cyber literacy for a stronger human firewall makes financial sense, especially in light of recent breaches. This article outlines the financial return on investment through CyberHoot’s automated employee awareness training and phishing testing. Read now.

The Fabulous Five: How CyberHoot Makes Managed Service Providers Shine Brighter

CyberHoot boosts MSP customer retention by minimizing support costs through fewer security incidents and improved training. Verified by MSPs, it reduces queries about potential phishing or attacks in support emails. Read now.

Customer Spotlight

CyberHoot Awarded New Badge From TrustRadius

Clickjacking, also known as a “UI Redress Attack”, is when an attacker uses multiple transparent or vague layers to trick a user into clicking on a button or link on another page when they were intending to click on the top-level page. Thus, the attacker is “hijacking” clicks meant for their page and routing them to another page, most likely owned by another application, domain, or both.

Recently Added Features

General Improvements:
  • Made certificate of completion use customer branding if the branding override toggle is set to enabled for the customer.
  • Added Brandable Certificates of Completion automatically branded for Clients using Branding Over-ride vs. MSP branding.
  • Added User and Customer Cybersecurity scoring and gamification.
  • Added ability to disable Welcome Emails entirely on per customer basis.
  • Readded user exposure breakdown to Autopilot report.
  • Made Compliance and Hoot Rank columns sortable.

Enroll in CyberHoot’s Referral Program today and start earning a 20% share of all revenue generated for one year by those who register through your exclusive referral link. As a referral partner, not only will you receive financial rewards, but you’ll also experience the satisfaction of aiding others in becoming more security-conscious, safeguarding them against cyber threats. Don’t hesitate, sign up now at

Referral through Autopilot’s Dashboard:

Join CyberHoot in our mission to create a more aware and better secured world! Recommend CyberHoot Autopilot to a friend, and they will enjoy a complimentary first month. For every new sign up who uses your referral link, you will receive a free month added to your account. This offer is exclusively for first-time CyberHoot registrants.

CyberHoot in the News!

Watch Craig on E360TV with Phil Masiello!

Read CyberHoot’s Interview with SafetyDetectives Here

Email based authentication for Training.

Instant Access

CyberHoot provides password-less access. End user frustration accessing training is gone. Click an email link for instant access!

Email Based Assignments


Employee reminders to manager escalations, CyberHoot delivers automated, hands-off, extremely high compliance.

Manager Escalations

Product Training

CyberHoot includes limitless product training for your IT Projects. Teach users how to use new software on their terms how they want to learn.

Micro Training

Cyber”Hoots” are 5 minutes or less ensuring your staff get trained quickly and effectively.

The Power of Open

CyberHoot is an open. Any video or PDF can train and govern your employees.


Many clients routinely achieve 90% or greater compliance to policies, training, and phish testing.