HootPhish 2024: Release Notes

HootPhish is CyberHoot's Phishing Simulator; a positive, educational, hyper-realistic phishing test that provides better metrics, automation, and outcomes than any attack-based phishing test on the market.

03/19/2024: Build 1059 (special release)

  • Upgraded to PHP8 and updated code to support it.

03/18/24: Builds 1057 & 1058

  • Added MSP aggregate reports to API endpoints.
  • Performance improvements to administrator and end-user experiences platform-wide.
  • Added end-user acknowledgement popup when retaking phishing assignments.
  • Fixed duplicate user/customer creation checks in API.

03/12/24:  Build 1056

  • Fixed bug for special characters not displaying properly in user email notices.
  • Added new link variable to messaging and updated HootPhish instructions to use link variable for overview video.
  • Fixed display bug in phishing feedback tips.

Mass Update Users Feature

  • Added the ability to mass update users.

Welcome Email Improvement

  • Fixed welcome email to send to new users when welcome email is enabled and a race condition existed.

02/20/24: Build 1054

  • Added ability for admins to disable/reset other admins Two-Factor verification.
  • Improved display on mobile clients.

02/13/24: Build 1053

  • Fixed issue where CyberHoot logo was defaulted to in certificates of completion.
  • Fixed Entra ID sync issue where removed users were not being archived.
  • Implemented round 1 of performance improvements. More to come.

02/07/24: Build 1052

  • Renamed Azure to Entra ID
  • Fixed excel CSV file upload errors.
  • Found and removed all old 2-Phish and 3-Phish back-to-back simulations.
  • Added tips to phishing simulation results for end-user feedback.
  • Adopted international date standard for date variable across the platform.

01/30/24: Build 1051

  • Updated API to support more Partner integration needs.

01/25/24: Build 1050

  • Added support for webp logo uploads for branding.
  • Added customer create and customer type changes to MSP logs.

01/18/24: Build 1048

  • Released HootPhish stand-alone product to the Partner community.

New Hoot Phish Marketing Videos

Use the videos below in your marketing campaigns for HootPhish, CyberHoot’s revolutionary new Phishing simulator and test.