How to Fix ERR_SSL_BAD_Record_MAC_Alert: Common Causes and Solutions

“ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT” error generally occurs when your web server and browser have differing views concerning security levels. As a result, the server sends out an incorrectly encrypted message. This blog explains what causes the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT. Also, get troubleshooting tips that can help resolve the issue easily. Let’s begin! What is ERR_SSL_BAD_Record_MAC_Alert Error? ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT is a client-side error indicating a mismatch between the MAC calculated by the browser and the MAC expected by the server. To simply put, SSL/TLS is a security protocol that encrypts data transmitted between web servers and browsers. SSL/TLS uses a technique called MAC (Message Authentication Code). MAC is a cryptographic string that verifies the authenticity of data sent over the network. If MAC verification fails, it signals that the data is corrupted or altered during transmission. To further simplify, imagine you’re sending a secret message to a colleague. You encrypt it using a special code so that only you and your colleague can understand it. On receiving the message, they use the same code to decrypt it. If the decryption process fails, it means something went wrong during transmission. That is what happens when you encounter an ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error. Your server and browser are not on the […]