The way we do business has changed dramatically over the last several years. To remain agile and competitive, organizations must embrace digital transformation. But doing so securely means stepping outside the old ways of establishing a network perimeter, protecting it, and trusting everything inside. Doing things the way they have always been done doesn’t work in the hybrid workplace, where the perimeter is everywhere. Instead, business leaders must ensure they have the flexibility and capability to support evolving business needs today and for the foreseeable future.
Ensuring employees can continue to work from anywhere while the business remains agile and secure requires a fundamental shift in networking and security to an architecture based on zero trust. Executive leadership relies upon their networking, security, and infrastructure architects and IT leaders to understand and lead this transformation journey from a technical standpoint. Yet, digital transformation requires more than technical expertise. Transformation touches all aspects of an organization and requires a shift in culture and mindset that can only be driven from the top down.
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