How to fix “SSL Handshake Failed Error Code 525” (5 Proven solutions)

With Google giving preference to SSL websites, installing a valid SSL certificate today is a no-brainer! However, to get an SSL certificate isn’t the real issue. The big problem is the errors that an incorrectly installed or invalid SSL certificate may make browsers throw when users try to browse your website. Some of these SSL errors cannot only erode trust but also increase your bounce rates and ultimately impact your bottom line. Key among these errors is the SSL Handshake failed error with Error Code 525. Now just so you know, SSL handshake is more like a secure greeting between a browser and your website. It is a very quick process that is done to ensure safe connection as it verifies identities and establishes an encrypted link to safeguard sensitive data during transmission. So, browsers giving the SSL handshake error mean that the handshake process with your website did hit a snag!  This guide explains what causes the SSL handshake errors and gives five practical tips on how to fix SSL handshake failed error error code 525. Table of Contents What is SSL Handshake? What Causes SSL Handshake Failures? 5 Methods to Fix SSL Handshake Failed Errors Conclusion What is […]