HTTP vs HTTPS: Key Differences & Security Standards Explained

HTTPS vs HTTP: Know the difference between secure and non-secure web protocols At a glance, HTTP and HTTPs may seem similar but they are different. HTTP transmits data in plain text, whereas HTTPS utilizes TLS/SSL encryption to secure communication. Let’s crack the code on HTTP vs HTTPS in this article. You will discover the stark differences between HTTP and HTTPS and how that little ‘S’ affects online security. Understand how HTTPS enhances web security while HTTP is a cybersecurity nightmare. Table of Contents What is HTTP? How Does HTTP Protocol Work? How to Know if a Site is Not Secure? What is HTTPS? How Does the HTTPS Protocol Work? How to Know if a Site is Secure? Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS Why Do You Need to Switch From HTTP to HTTPS? How Can CheapSSLShop Help You to Secure (HTTPS) Your Unsecured (HTTP) Website? What is HTTP? Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allows a client and a server to exchange requests and responses. The client’s browser requests the server via HTTP, which then responds to the client. The answer comprises the status regarding the request and could additionally include the required content. HTTP is a standard network protocol that establishes the […]