On the third day of the Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023 hacking contest, the organization awarded $185,000 for 10 zero-day exploits.
Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023 is ended, contestants disclosed 27 unique zero-days and the organization awarded a total of $1,035,000 and a Tesla Model 3. The team Synacktiv (@Synacktiv) (Benoist-Vanderbeken, David Berard, Vincent Dehors, Tanguy Dubroca, Thomas Bouzerar, and Thomas Imbert) won the competition, they earned 53 points, $530,000, and a Tesla Model 3.
On the third day, contestants were awarded $185,000 after demonstrating 5 zero-day exploits targeting the Ubuntu Desktop, Windows 11, and the VMware Workstation software.

The day began with the hack of Ubuntu Desktop by Kyle Zeng from ASU SEFCOM, he used a double-free bug and earned $30,000 and 3 Master of Pwn points.
Thomas Imbert (@masthoon) from Synacktiv (@Synacktiv) used a UAF against Microsoft Windows 11. They earn $30,000 and 3 Master of Pwn points.
The researchers Mingi Cho of Theori used a UAF against Ubuntu Desktop, the team earned $30,000 and 3 Master of Pwn points.
The STAR Labs (@starlabs_sg) team used an uninitialized variable and UAF to hack the VMWare Workstation virtualization software. They earned $80,000 and 8 Master of Pwn points. The STAR Labs team also attempted to demonstrate an exploit against Microsoft Teams, but failed to do it within the time allotted.
Bien Pham (@bienpnn) from Qrious Security successfully targeted Ubuntu Desktop, but used a known exploit, for this reason, the attempt was classified as “Collision”. The team earned $15,000 and 1.5 Master of Pwn points.
“That’s a wrap for Pwn2Own Vancouver! Contestants disclosed 27 unique zero-days and won a combined $1,035,000 (and a car)! Congratulations to the Masters of Pwn, Synacktiv (@Synacktiv), for their huge success and hard work! They earned 53 points, $530,000, and a Tesla Model 3.” reads the wrap for the hacking competition that was published by The Zero Day Initiative.
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Pierluigi Paganini
(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023)
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