Weekly Update 356

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Weekly Update 356

Today was a bit back-to-back having just wrapped up the British Airways Magecart attack webinar with Scott. That was actually a great session with loads of engagement and it’s been recorded to so look out for that one soon if you missed it. Anyway, I filled this week’s update with a bunch of random things from the week. I especially enjoyed discussing the HIBP domain search progress and as I say in the video, talking through it with other people really helps crystalise things so I think I’ll keep doing that as the dev work continues. Stay tuned for more on that next week, see you then ๐Ÿ˜Š

Weekly Update 356
Weekly Update 356
Weekly Update 356
Weekly Update 356


  1. Sponsored by: Americans lost $8.8B to identity theft in 2022. Secure your online info with Aura the #1 rated identity theft protection. Start free trial.
  2. Scott Helme and I did a Report URI webinar just before this video, all about the Magecart attack on British Airways (stay tuned for the recording)
  3. The renos have been very trying on my patience (but the garage is looking totally epic ๐Ÿ˜Ž)
  4. I finally fixed this hum when the camera was on… by using a USB cable to charge it instead (this was so painful, obviously some sort of electrical interference going on there)
  5. I completely forgot to talk about my IoT lock batteries (but yeah, that linked tweet sums it all up)
  6. A full “baker’s dozen” of MVP awards! (that’s 13 years running now ๐Ÿ˜ฒ)