Weekly Update 358

Presently sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure, it can’t access your apps. It’s Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!

Weekly Update 358

IoT, breaches and largely business as usual so I’ll skip that in the intro to this post and jump straight to the end: the impending HIBP domain search changes. As I say in the vid, I really value people’s feedback on this so if nothing else, please skip through to 48:15, listen to that section and let me know what you think. By the time I do next week’s vid my hope is that all the coding work is done and I’m a couple of days out from shipping it, so now is your time to provide input if you think there’s something I’m missing that really should be in there 🙂

Weekly Update 358
Weekly Update 358
Weekly Update 358
Weekly Update 358


  1. Sponsored by: Kolide ensures that if a device isn’t secure, it can’t access your apps. It’s Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo today!
  2. Messing with door-knocking real estate agents is a really good use of Home Assistant and Ubiquiti IMHO (channelling my inner Password Purgatory demons on this one!)
  3. The BookCrossing breach went into HIBP (plain text passwords FTW!)
  4. An old Roblox breach surfaced and also went into HIBP (Roblox has had quite the time of it lately…)
  5. BreachForums, was itself, breached (definitely legit too, given the presence of a “lurker” account I created there)