What is a Chief Innovation Officer?


Twenty-five years ago, the Chief Innovation Officer role was virtually unheard of. Now, it’s one of the hottest C-suite roles out there.

These days, roughly 30% of Fortune 500 companies have a Chief Innovation Officer. This includes multi-national conglomerates like Berkshire Hathaway and UnitedHealth Group.

In this article, join us for an in-depth exploration of the Chief Innovation Officer role; from job responsibilities to means of attaining this coveted position.

What is a Chief Innovation Officer?

A Chief Innovation Officer (CIO or CINO) drives change management and innovation for an organization. This role manifested after organizations observed that a fragmented, teams-driven approach to innovation often fails, as it results in competition between teams and minimal long-term achievements.

A Chief Innovation Officer orchestrates change by unifying the push towards greater innovation under a single vision and approach. In some cases, a Chief Innovation Officer may be supported by an innovation team; a dedicated department that assists with identifying opportunities, validating opportunities and making informed investment decisions.

Chief Innovation Officer responsibilities overview

The objectives of a Chief Innovation Officer include persuading executives to entertain innovative, value-add business ideas, and ensuring that the business thrives as change takes effect. In brief, a Chief Innovation Officer needs to:

  • Expedite the rate at which new opportunities are identified
  • Qualitatively and quantitatively assess the opportunities, zeroing-in on those with the highest potential yields
  • Foster leadership alignment around strategy and mission
  • Solicit buy-in around new projects and investments
  • Assist with bringing new products and services to market that increase business value

Chief Innovation Officer job description in-depth

The precise responsibilities of a Chief Innovation Officer will depend on the context of the role — the industry vertical that it’s situated within, organizational complexity, and an organization’s innovation maturity levels. In more illustrative terms, a Chief Innovation Officer must be able to:

1. Facilitate and inspire innovation. In other words, the Chief Innovation Officer is responsible for fostering a business environment that promotes the creation and circulation of ideas, that encourages collaboration, and that embraces a ‘fail fast, fail forward’ mindset; thereby advocating for ongoing improvement.

In the interest of facilitating and inspiring innovation, the Chief Innovation Officer plays a crucial role in recruiting the right innovation talent, cultivating an innovation-friendly culture, streamlining and enhancing processes and allocating resources to boost innovation speed and maturity.

With a strategic approach, a Chief Innovation Officer can optimize the impact of innovation within the organization.

2. Set up a streamlined, end-to-end process for opportunity identification and validation. This involves developing a strategic focus for innovation, facilitating ideation, optimizing experimentation, and developing results confirmation capabilities, as through efficient tools and processes.

3. Create a culture of innovation. Within the organization, the Chief Innovation Officer must implement new approaches to generate enthusiasm around innovation and to energize employees. In parallel, the individual in this role should aim to encourage a growth mindset, tolerance, openness, psychological safety and a readiness to pursue calculated risks.

To further cultivate a culture of innovation, the Chief Innovation Officer should lead by example; actively participating as an innovator.

4. Implement enterprise-aligned methods and technologies. The right kinds of innovation tools and resources are critical when it comes to advancing the credibility of the team, and enabling employees to innovate effectively and efficiently.

Tools in the ‘Innovation Technology Stack’ may encompass an innovation management platform or an idea management platform, along with collaboration systems, prototyping tools, templates, gamification tools and others.

5. Prioritize projects effectively, shape projects effectively, and make judicious investments in new ideas. In so doing, the CIO/CINO must design a sensible intake procedure and deploy an intelligent project assessment model. These ensure optimal prioritization and a well-balanced innovation portfolio.

6. Evaluate innovation performance. The CIO/CINO needs to create and employ an Innovation Performance Measurement System. This system will serve as a guide amidst the process of continual improvement, providing a metric-based dashboard that helps everyone communicate the ‘State of Innovation’ to the company’s top management.

7. Conduct competitive research in relation to what’s happening within the broader industry ecosystem. The Chief Innovation Officer must then summarize the latest and greatest innovations and conceive of better and stronger approaches.

Common paths to becoming a Chief Innovation Officer

There isn’t a single, universal path that leads to a Chief Innovation Officer role. That said, many Chief Innovation Officers reach the role after having worked in solutions-focused positions. Chief Innovation Officers also typically have several years of past experience in another executive-level position.

Beyond gaining the necessary work experience to pursue the Chief Innovation Officer role, aspiring CIOs/CINOs should consider advancing their academic qualifications. A Doctor of Business Administration, for example, is a terminal degree indicating that someone has reached the pinnacle of academic achievement within their field.

Individuals who hold DBA degrees are often recognized as esteemed experts who have added new knowledge or theories to the current body of knowledge.

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