XELERA Ransomware Campaign: Fake Food Corporation of India Job Offers Targeting Tech Aspirants

XELERA Ransomware Campaign: Fake Food Corporation of India Job Offers Targeting Tech Aspirants

 Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Initial Findings.
  • Infection Chain.
  • Technical Analysis.
    • Initial Infection – Malicious Document.
    • Second Stage – Malicious PyInstaller Executable.
    • Final Stage – Malicious Python Scripts.
      • Discord Bot Features.
      • Ransomware Features.
    • Conclusion
    • Seqrite Protection.
    • IOCs
    • Authors


Seqrite Labs APT-Team has recently discovered multiple campaigns involving fake Job Descriptions related to requirements at Food Corporations of India (FCI). These are targeted towards individuals aiming for various technical job positions at FCI with a variant of ransomware known as Xelera. In this case, the malware is written in Python and packed using PyInstaller which executes on the target machine.

In this blog, we’ll explore the technical details of the campaign we encountered during our telemetry analysis. We will examine the various stages of this campaign, starting with the initial malicious document payload and the contents of the document, then proceed to extract and analyze the malicious PyInstaller and extracted malicious python scripts and finally, review the malicious ransomware file.

Initial Findings

Recently, on 18th January 2025, our team discovered a malicious document which surfaced on VirusTotal, depending on the hunting rules, we use for hunting document file containing malicious embedded contents inside OLE Streams.

Upon initial analysis, we found that the malicious lure known as FCEI-job-notification.doc was aimed at Job Applicants applying for various roles such as Engineers and other technical and semi-technical roles. After extracting the malicious payload from one of the OLE Stream, we found that the payload was a PyInstaller based executable known as jobnotification2025.exe. This contains malicious python scripts performing ransomware execution and other unintended tasks on the target machine using a Discord bot controlled by the ransomware author.

PyInstaller, stands as one of the favorite tools of malicious software developers who prefer python scripting as one of their choices, previously HolyCrypt and other well-known lockers and stealers have abused PyInstaller to deploy malware In-The-Wild.

Infection Chain

Technical Analysis

We will break down the analysis into three different parts.

Initial Infection – Malicious Document.

The initial infection is caused by a malicious word document which spreads through spear phishing attachment. Before diving into the malicious OLE streams of the document, let’s look into the lure.

The document contains three pages of information which starts with the decoy mentioning the number of vacancies at Food Corporation of India and the type of workforce required. The second page mentions about the age limit and eligibility criteria for different positions, outlining the minimum and maximum age required for each category.

Additionally, the page provides an overview of the educational qualifications necessary for various posts, such as a bachelor’s degree or other degree, depending on the job role. Now, the third page details the recruitment process, including the exam pattern.

It mentions that the exam consists of 100 questions covering subjects such as Numerical Ability, English Language, Logical Reasoning, and General Studies. Candidates are allotted 60 minutes to complete the test, with a penalty of one-fourth of a mark for each incorrect answer, while unanswered questions do not attract negative marking. Looking into the malicious streams of this document, and quickly extract it for further analysis.

Analyzing the malicious document, we found that the document contains an embedded OLE object (Ole10Native) , this object is located inside the ObjectPool structure and is of a size 31.5 MB.

Upon extraction of the embedded content from the malicious OLE stream and loading the file into an analysis tool, we figured out that it is a PE64 binary, which is basically a compressed PyInstaller binary.

Second Stage – Malicious PyInstaller Executable

After extracting the contents of the executable using pyinstxtractor, we found interesting files and folders which contained python-compiled files such as mainscript.pyc, a compiled Python script that serves as the main logic of the malware file.

Supporting directories and libraries, such as psutil, aiohttp, and asyncio, were also present, suggesting capabilities for system monitoring and asynchronous network operations, commonly used in malware for data collection or command-and-control (C2) communication.

We also found some interesting folders containing python compiled files such as notoken887 and command and many more, which gives us artefacts that the campaign is not only related to deploying XELERA ransomware, but much more. In the next section, we will analyze the Python decompiled files.

Final Stage – Malicious Python Scripts

Upon decompiling the main.pyc file, we found that it imports a lot of interesting libraries such as notoken887 , start , command and much more. And carefully analyzing, we also found that the threat actor basically uses Discord as a Command-and-Control to execute remote commands and finally deploy the XELERA ransomware.

Discord Bot Features

Now, let us look into some of the interesting commands the discord bot can execute on the target machine and working of the ransomware.

Once a victim is affected after executing the malicious document, the threat actor uses the Discord Bot to perform certain nefarious tasks, such as stealing browser-based credentials, spamming the target with certain derogatory messages and much more.

Privilege Escalation & System Control

  • Admin Execution Request: The bot includes a command(admin) that checks if the bot’s process is running as admin using IsUserAdmin API and in case it is not, it uses ShellExecuteW API with runas form performing the operation.

  • Lock & Shutdown Controls: The bot can lock the system (🔒 lockpc) or force shutdown/restart (📤 shutdown, 🔄 restartpc), creating inconvenience at the target machine.

 Browser Credential and File Stealing

  • File Stealing: The discord bot can exfiltrate files from the target machine.

  • Browser credential stealing: The discord bot can steal sensitive information such as cookies, usernames and passwords from various browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and much more from the target machine.

Nefarious activities: Disruption and Spamming Offensive Content.

  • Visual Disruption : The attacker creates a visual disruption by causing distorting effects, changing wallpaper and other visual disruption causing issues at the target machine.

  • Sensory Disruption: The attacker creates sensory disruption by blocking mouse inputs and playing audio at the target machine causing issues at the target machine.

List of commands

  Command Purpose
1 🔧 admin Ask to run the malware as admin
2 🚫 nomouse (start/stop) Deny the user mouse and keyboard privileges
3 checkfile Check for a specific file and optionally delete it
4 bsod Trigger a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
5 🌊 blur Apply an extreme GDI blurring effect
6 🔥 melt Create a screen melt effect
7 🌎 screenswipe Swipe and bend the entire screen
8 ⚡ seizure Flash the screen to induce seizures
9 🌪 tornado Create a screen tornado effect
10 👴 whiten Whiteout the screen
11 🚫 blosckscreen Display a Hitler image as a screen block
12 🥏 ultraseizure More intense version of seizure, with start/stop arguments
13 📂 tree Get the file tree from the victim’s system
14 📤 share Upload and execute a file on the victim’s PC
15 🔗 linkshare Download and run a URL-based file on the victim’s PC
16 📊 lp List active processes
17 🔨 kp Kill a specific process
18 📂 getfiles Steal files from the victim’s system
19 📁 cd Navigate through the victim’s file system
20 📸 ss Capture a screenshot
21 📷 webcampic Capture an image from the victim’s webcam
22 📥 thugfiles Rename and corrupt all files in Downloads/Documents permanently
23 🌍 openurl Open a website in the victim’s browser
24 🔎 search Perform a web search
25 🔐 getpwds Extract saved passwords from Microsoft Edge
26 📜 getbrowserhistory Fetch browser history from the victim’s system
27 😂 kkk Display KKK-related memes on the victim’s screen
28 🔔 spamnotify Send repeated spam notifications
29 🔊 bassboost Force the volume to 100%
30 😈 fuckbrowser Corrupt Chrome if installed on the victim’s PC
31 🛑 swastika Set a spinning swastika as wallpaper (start/stop)
32 🤯 nukepc Perform a severe attack on the victim’s PC
33 🔄 restartpc Restart the victim’s PC
34 📤 shutdown Shut down the victim’s PC
35 ❌ close Close the thugware application
36 🧹 clean Remove all Discord channels except the current one
37 ❌ errorspamz Spam funny error messages
38 🌐 ip Retrieve the victim’s IP address
39 🎵 playsound Play background audio from an uploaded file
40 💻 sysinfo Extract system information
41 🖼 wallpaper Change the victim’s desktop wallpaper
42 ℹ help Show the help message with all commands
43 🔄 reload Restart the thugware bot
44 🔒 lockpc Lock the victim’s PC (forces login screen)

Ransomware Features.

Along with the malicious discord-based stealer, the attacker also deploys a ransomware known as XELERA. Looking into the warning function, we can see that there are a total of 6 important functions to various ransomware related purposes.

The ransomware message can be seen, with a Litecoin address for submitting the ransom amount. Let us look into the various other functions.

Looking into the first function, the kill_explorer function iterates over running processes in a continuous loop, checking for the presence of memz.exe. If memz.exe is not found, it then looks for explorer.exe and attempts to terminate it. This cycle repeats indefinitely, ensuring that Windows Explorer does not run unless memz.exe is active.

On the other hand, the create_memz_in_startup file, referenced in this ransomware, is basically downloading a MBR Corruption based executable.

Now, before looking into the next functions, let us look into the workings of the MBR corruption tool which is being downloaded as MEMZ.exe here.

The MEMZ.exe malware begins its execution by parsing command-line arguments to determine its mode of operation. If the /watchdog argument is present, it activates a “watchdog” mode that creates a monitoring thread and registers a hidden window. This ensures the malware remains running and resists termination by utilizing a Windows message loop.

Now, in this part of the MBR, it involves overwriting the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the disk, making the system unbootable. The malware opens \.PhysicalDrive0 to gain raw access to the primary disk and allocates a 64 KB buffer to prepare the malicious payload.

Next, the MBR corrupter creates a text file named note.txt containing a taunting message. This file is populated with text informing the user their system has been infected by the MEMZ Trojan. The message further warns against attempting to stop the malware, claiming it will result in the system’s immediate destruction.

Now, once we are done with understanding the MBR Corruption malware, we will move ahead with looking into the other set of functions.

Looking into the second function, the change_wallpaper basically changes the desktop wallpaper to an image of a lock.

The third and fourth functions of this ransomware is basically, spamming all the window titles with a message that the victim’s computer has been affected, deletes all the possible files and folders from the Desktop and floods the same folder with ransom images.

The fifth function focuses on running the MBR Corruption based malware by first enumerating the Windows startup folder and in case the malicious software is found, it goes ahead and executes it, while the sixth function downloads a wallpaper and changes the current desktop to the one downloaded. Then, it goes ahead and uses Text-To-Speech [TTS] in an infinite loop to run the message in audio in an infinite loop.

Once, the ransomware is executed this is the message is displayed on the screen. Next, looking into the address of the cryptocurrency wallet mentioned, we can see that there has been a total of 16 transactions using the same wallet address.


XELERA Ransomware has been identified which is a Python-based malware and is currently a very new operation which involves data and credential stealing along with deploying a ransomware, which is currently not performing any sort of encryption involving cryptography. It is actively spreading and currently the above modus operandi is the primary one, which is used to drop the ransomware into various target machines.


Seqrite Protection

  • OLE.Ransom.49280.GC
  • Xelera


Filename SHA-256
FCEI-job-notification.doc ff06ce3fd6fe994aeaa0edc5162989d08f34440e9cacbc9e49e5db8ef98a74e3
mainscript.exe (jobnotification2025.exe) 519401c998fe5d6eb143415f7c17ad5f8e5ef5ebae57ac91e9fa89a0bfcf0c7f


hxxps[.]//chochox[.]com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Geto 29[.]jpg


LTC Address: LaHL1jGMk2VUgn6c4QtFVLi7BjycWrQorB



Tactic Technique ID Name
Initial Access T1566.001 Phishing: Spear phishing Attachment.



Execution T1204.002



User Execution: Malicious File.



Persistence T1547.001 Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder.
Defense Evasion T1562.001 Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools.
Credential Access T1555.003 Credentials from Web Browser.
Discovery T1033









System Owner/User Discovery.


Browser Information Discovery.


Application Window Discovery.


File and Directory Discovery.


System Network Configuration Discovery.

Collection T1560.002




Archive via Library.


Screen Capture.


Command and Control T1102.002 Bidirectional Communication.
Impact T1531








Account Access Removal.

Data Encrypted for Impact.

Financial Theft.

Internal Defacement.

Disk Content Wipe.

Service Stop.

System Shutdown / Reboot.




  • Subhajeet Singha
  • Kartikkumar Ishvarbhai Jivani


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